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Two weeks into Movember
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technology, amateur radio, scouting and me
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Sent from my iPhone
(I nearly entitled this “re-purposing this blog”) but just about stopped myself)
Now that is running smoothly I really don’t need this site for the business, so I’ve decided to use it for a personal blog. My previous blogs have always been a mix of personal and professional posts, whereas is (almost) strictly business. This site will therefore cover a much wider range of topics.
I have been using the DominoBlog template since I started blogging back in May 2004, but now it’s time to move on.
The reasons for moving are two-fold:
The question is: where to go?
A new site is in development for Agdon using Drupal as its base. Drupal does have blogging built in but I quite like having my blog distinct from the business.
Given that I want the blog hosted and I want to continue to use, I seem to have the choice of Typepad (Moveable Type), WordPress or Blogger. Typepad is paid for but Blogger has Ads: not sure about that.
So, I am experimenting with all three for a few weeks. I’ll create trial blogs on Blogger, WordPress and Typepad and cross post to all three.